Tuesday, August 4, 2009

19 going on 20

My good lady wife reliably informs me, with regard to the recent message I posted, that we have only been married for 19 years. Not 20. We discussed it thus:
Me: I was j
ust rounding up the number. I thought it gave a sense of how, erm, complete we are...
She: I see.
Me: ...and
the magnitude of our togetherness.
She: Magnitude of our togetherness?
Me: Well, yes.
She: Magnitude?
Me: I guess.
She: Are you saying I'm fat?
Me: God, no! Not at all. I want to be absolutely clear about that.
She: Good
Me: Anyway, I thought you'd be pleased.
She: About what?
Me: About that fact I'm blogging about us so early on in my blog and mentioning us being a large- no, not large - greater than the sum of the two parts. In some way. I thought. Right?
She: Greater?
Me: I see your point.
She: Which parts, exactly?
Me: But you have to agree, in flowing prose, 20 years captures more than 19 years the magni-, er, lovliness and, may I say, endurance of?
She: Not really
Me: Enduringness?
She: Only just.
Me: Ok, Ok, I'll put 19 years in a new post and update it.
She: And make me look good.
Me: I don't have to. You already look good.
She: Correct answer. That's my boy. Love me?
Me: Love you.


  1. BIG MISTAKE! 2009 minus 1992 equals 17, not 19. You are in such trouble - despite giving it so much thought, you STILL got it wrong. Why are you so determined to make it longer? Is it that male '6 inches is really 9' thing? We have been ACQUAINTED 19 years, it took 2 to get the ring.
    NOw there's a story. Andy's fairytale proposal. 200 words. GO. And make me look good.

  2. Ah, but I see our togetherness as 19 years, you see, because we met in 1990. I see those first two years as special as any others, so not excluded from the term marriage and so, yes, and so, for me, it all belongs to our marriageness. Who's counting? x
